I realise now after doing this course that I would have made lots of mistakes. I think I would have done every-thing wrong. I have learned a lot & now I know exactly what I’m going to do.

Follow a journey going from meeting you to allowing you to permanently tattoo their face & love you for it.
In this third in a series of 6 expert interviews, you will discover exactly what mistakes most technicians are making and knowing them could sace you thousands in lost appointments!
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Approximate Running Time:
26 Minutes
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[s3bubbleAudioSingle bucket=”pmta-business-bootcamp-audios” track=”Vol1-Disk1-6 Factors of Psycology That influence Your Potential Permanent Makeup Clients to Choose You intro.mp3″ autoplay=”false” download=”false” style=”bar” preload=”auto”/]
Hundreds of customers. 5 star rating. Hundreds of positive feedback’s.
Check out what other Permanent Makeup Technicians are saying about the Permanent Makeup Expert Interview Series
and why they love it so much.
I realise now after doing this course that I would have made lots of mistakes. I think I would have done every-thing wrong. I have learned a lot & now I know exactly what I’m going to do.
To be honest without listening to this course I would have never known any of it. So I would have missed out on a lot of things.
I found it really really help. Full of great ideas. Amazing business knowledge for any business. I just know I will be able to get lots of clients. I feel like I’ve been given a formula to make something work really well, so I’m really excited to get started.
It’s an absolute eyeopener. So much information that you have given me that I would have never of thought of. I’m so blown away by it. I am buzzing it’s amazing.
So much information I should have known before I set up in my permanent makeup business. There is so much that I didn’t know that is going to really help me.
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